Sunday, December 20, 2009

today is a really special day
cus it's my first ever time performing wushu!
i was nervous
that uneasy feeling comes in waves
i worried about this and that
but anyway
it ended
regretfully, i din perform to my best
but nvm its okay!
next time will be better

i walked home from hougang point
i thought it will take 30 min
in the end i took one entire hour to reach home
felt damm dehydrated when i reached home

on another note
the body language book that i've read really helped me to notice many many things
i can tell if sb is willing to start a conversation
i can tell if sb is interested in you
suddenly things seem more obvious
but im nt pro yet
so maybe i interpret wrongly
but da gai da gai la

how i wish i can know what you are thinking and what you feel

Saturday, December 19, 2009

thanking ppl makes your life beautiful and meaningful
do it
you'll be happy
i'm gg to thank 3 group/individual ppl today watch out for you name!
make it a habit to thank those who have helped make your life a better one;)

yesterday was a really packed by fulfilling day for michelle
she has to rush down and reached school at 8am
so that she can print some research materials for her MOF debate and borrow some books on medical chem for her H3
in the end, very unluckily
books are still unavailable to borrow due to stock taking
and her printing card got stuck in the machine
so the waking up early-rush-to-library-at-8am was futile
so she went to wushu room at 8,30am
but again yesterday was really not her day
the room wasn't open
so she decided to go upstair and enjoy the sun and wind
finally things seem right for her
the sun was just the right temp
warm to her skin and the wind was refreshing
so she sat on the table facing the new track and close her eyes, relaxing
letting the wind and sun light bath on her
she thought about life in the future
she was hopeful
she want a meaningful life like others

just suddenly the sound of the grass cutter machine rudely jolt her back to reality
moodily she drag herself back to the wushu room
still it's not open
so she sat beside the door reading her newspaper with a rather unhappy look

after wushu and bidding goodbye to her friends she rushed home to change for tonight's concert and class gathering
and gavin asked her to hurry and don't be late
so she rushed and rushed
and thankfully reached early and on time
but everybody else= the guys were late
so michelle decided to call gavin ong and had wanted to scold him
but in the end a stranger man picked up

ok enough of the third person
so tiring to type ok back to first
michelle = me

so i realised i've just been rude to the wrong person
damm ps der
so i waited and finally they appeared not long after
all were guys
im the only girl
really very gan ga at first
but things gt better ltr
weiyao intro me to a very nice taiwan xiao chi downstair at the cathay
i wanted to eat alone while the rest go and pick up alvin
but kenneth, weiyao and junda are nice enough to pei me
thankyou gentlemen^^
hehe :D :D
the class didn't changed at all
the guys are forever obsessed with bullying alvin
it kind of become a hobby for them
i just watch and laugh, 我是乖女孩^^
also, they are still into dota
so at the beginning they were dota-ing here and there
and im clueless about the things they are so excited about haha
but i think it's a guys thing
luckily i still got yongyuan to talk to
thankyou to you hehe><
but like i've said things gt better
the topic changed to i forgot what
i dunno why ppl jus can;t help bt describe me as a mugger
come on
i dun mug
nvm you all wun believe anyways -.-
i still have other things to do ok XD
this holiday i haven't done much sch work
everyday was housework and cooking
but i'm enjoying it
so i wun mind being a housewife next time
but i wun want to be one, that's abit too un ambitious for me
if a woman dun have power and status
you'll never know and control what your guy is doing outside

nvm back to topic
i only realised near the end that IP man is inside :X
damm kuku der
hehe but i love the movie!!
go watch ppl

so after that i bused to VJ
hai why the sch so difficult fr me to find
i had to ask marcus :D
and some ppl on the bus
ok im hopless in my directions
i still carn differ left from right now

thats all

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

i just can't take my eyes off you

Sunday, December 13, 2009

i think im losing interest in everything
im losing that drive that i had
the motivation to keep myself working and persisting
i think i left it in paris
maybe i got just a little too used to the relax lifestyle i enjoyed in paris

when i walked
i feel the drag
like somebody is pulling me from behind
i got tired rushing here and there
jus felt like taking my own sweet time
everything now its like so relax
and its bad

my hwk
it's still stacked as high
i'm jus finishing 2 assignments per day
today was even less
how pathetic am i

now am i blogging
when i should be researching on the getting on my nerves econs
the research is really killing my interest
its so boring and i personally dun see a point
so nw instead of complaining
i should start and find a way to see meaning in completing my research
and perhaps
find a way to shake myself back to reality
michelle wee you are now in singapore
a place that u can barely afford to relax and lie back

my memory is wipe clean of all the contents for PCM
but i can still rmb my speech for OP and pamun
so wad does this tell?
i don;t know
but i'll find out.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

please can you give me a map?
i'm lost in your beautiful eyes

delegate, please be reminded that socialising is not in order during debate and should be save for the social event in the night

i suddenly thought of this hehe
quite hilarious to say this during the debate

the social event for PAMUN is rather interesting
you can see lots of ppl
the 5 singaporeans
were not socialising during the social event, which is held in a club in paris
hahas walking around aimlessly
i think it's an asian thing
cus the koreans are like us, gathering in some corner
in their own world

the rest of them are jus wild
letting their hair down
the girls are really O.O
sth i dun think i can see in singapore
and i dun think i wan to elaborate

the food is not fab
but the tarts and burgers are niceXD
it's a buffet anyway
but alcohol not allowed ><
so this is what the UN delegates do at night after their conference?
no la
i doubt so
i guess theirs will be in a classy restuarant sipping expensive wine
that's why real business man and politician can sit at the business class
while fake politicians like the 5 of us have only the economy seats
rachael mentioned that when we were abt to board the plane
for no reason, i find this strangely amusing

but i think ours nt bad le la
the 5 of us
managed to sneak out
and took a night walk... without any jackets
so it's like singapore wear in winter 4 degree
but damm shuang de
we gave up after abt 10 to 15 min cus its too cold
and we went back down to the club
orh it's an underground club, cool right
rachael and richard stayed at the reception area while zuhali, celeste and me went back further down to where the food and dance are

sooon after some time
we went back to the hotel and prep for the 2nd day of conference,
yay finally my topicXD
all of them worked till very late for our general assembly resolution
hahas but i was too tired and fell asleepXD opps

Thursday, December 10, 2009

DAY 2-

we checked into the hotel
okay it's very small
but inside its really nice-looking and cozy!
see, you carn judge a book by its cover right

tell you, the lift is damm cool~
nnothing like those in sg
okay firstly its white
and ok small
the cool thing is that u have to open a normal looking door and tada- it's a lift!
and you have to close the normal looking door before pressing a button to go up
abit vintage type
omg i love it^^
and it will scare u everytime becuase it will jerk hardly before stopping

the room is small but very clean and homely=)
celeste and my room had a great view
we can see some very nice buildings that paris has
the toilet is also very clean! gosh
but the door is difficult to push, i always have to ask celeste to help me everytime i want to get out -.-

after settling down for awhile we went down to get some food for lunch
so we browse through franprix
we bought bottles of water to stock up ><
and then we shopped at the bakery!
the 5 of us are crazy about french pastries
so we bought our first meal in paris, 5.50€ for sandwich, tart and water
celeste and i shared one meal and we bought macrons
oooooo ahhhhh
the rest of the day was spent in our hotel

very soon dinner time came
we walked to our pre-booked restaurant
we had libanese meal
the serving was huge
and the flavouring was very strong
so most of us couldn't finish
for starters we had pita bread with salad
main course we had chicken and lamb
dessert we had cream milk with honey and pistacho topping
taste great the dessert :D

it was wierd at first cause there was no conversation and it was very quiet
so rachael made a bad attempt by asking "so, what's your favourite colour?"
hahas the conversation fizz out quite fast so everybody went quiet again
rachael tried again by asking how's the weaher today

so i shall start commenting
i think it was around 6 to 7 degree that time
rather cold
there was still chilly winds blowing at you
it's very dry
so my lips cracked
and i dun like the feel of lip balm
and worse still i lost my winter jacket tgh with the lugagge
so you cn imagine me freezing
but i was fine with the cold
at least it is something i can never experience in singapore
i love the weather in paris!!

so day 2 ended
me and celeste had classical music to coax us to sleep that night
we woke up several time in the night
if im not wrong it's 1am 3 am 4 am
at 4 am we gave up sleeping and talked abt the breakfast buffet we gg to have later
we worried about the standard of the buffet since the hotel is soo small
we came down punctually at 7am to the dining room
the lights not even switched on yet
we had the whole room to ourselves then,

seems like we worried too much
breakfast was great!

i love paris~

Wednesday, December 9, 2009


DAY ONE - paris

27/11 - 28/11

you have no idea how excited i was
this is the trip i have been working for since september
and now im just about to board the plane to PARIS- the city of light
my family and cousin family came to send me off
aww man how sweet ^^
14 hours ride coming~~

i was damm hyper
just can't stop smiling
me and suandi was snapping away pics for memo
first time im gg to europe~ :D

okay we board the plane,
Singapore airline...~this trip just can't get any better XD

i sat between richard and Zuhali :)
i was too hyper to sleep kept gg to the toilet cause i drank too much:X
the toilet bowl is scary
when u flush it, the whole thing inside get sucked away
with a very loud sound
feels like it's sucked out of the plane
*.* no la cant be right?

the plane food was the best i ever had

(maybe cus i dun travel by plane much-.-)
supper was great
i tried roasted beef fillet but i only liked the potatoes
still gt choco to indulge myself in
hw i wish i can try bloody mary (opps jkjk im still under 18*)
anyway they serve ferrero rocher and lay's for snacks
i half-watched about 7 movies cus i was so bored
couldn't sleep
richard is the pro, he almost slept throughout, except waking up for the meals
after waiting painfully for around 10 more hours
breakfast was served~

to me the plane ride was really =..=
i couldn't sleep, couldn't concentrate on any movie, was very thirsty and my legs were numb
so you can imagine hw happy i was when i know that we are finally alighting` in paris

then the highlight
the airline lost my luggage
all my chargers are gone
my laptop batt and hp batt are dying alrdy
and worse, my camera batt is alrdy dead
so no pictures T.T

it was 8am in the morning when we alight
after i filed my report we proceed to the hotel, another hour ride:X
it didn't feel like an hour, because the outside scenery is great! nothing you can see in Singapore

bet you're jealous XD
at first sight, i know paris will be a great place

Monday, November 23, 2009

4 more days! wooh
im finally done with my first draft, how slow can i get T.T
i really hope it will snow in Paris! though i doubt so=(

my luggage is really big and heavy
what if it breaks half way?
that happen 5 years ago when i went to australia with my pri sch band
and end up my principal help me carry! hehe
so sweet~

i'm gg to take lots and lots of pictures
memories are the best presents you can bring back!

and im gg to wear wanting's jack hat~
im sure i'll stand out very prominently in the busy streets of paris!

im gg to talk to lots of ppl from paris
im gg to pick up some french
im gg to see many hotties ><
im gg to enjoy the cold
im gg to eat good food
im gg to try some snails(hopefully)
im gg to have fun being independent
im gg to jump on the hotel bed
im gg to eat till the hotel kui ben during the daily breakfast buffets
im gg to search for some antiques
im gg to learn about french ppl
im gg to try their coffee
im gg to eat the pastries there ( i heard that they are wonderful)
im gg to cook maggi mee late in the night
and im gg to have a really unique 10 days in Paris

oooh yay

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

my mum is really in a bad mood these few day

firstly, popo is back in China, and she has to do most of the housework now after she comes back from her work
and im still stubbornly refusing to wash my socks =X

secondly, because of the paris trip for my PAMUN. Large sum of money spent. *heartbreak*
so she needs to worry more about our expenses

thirdly, i insisted on having tuition starting from dec
and its very expensive
though i promised to pay all the fees
i think my mum is still very doubtful

seriously, i'm also unsure how am i gg to settle the fees
saving $4 per day is still not enough and im currently jobless
wow i sound like i've just been retrenched><
haha so must find a way after coming back from paris
go michelle go

im quite a well trained self motivator
lucky for me
you know what,
i cant wait to go to paris!
wanna meet lots of ppl from other countries!
yay yay

dun worry, everything it's gg to be just fine
i'll settle these after paris=D
im sure i can do this

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

My love language? it's kind of a mix of all
hahas i hate it when ppl starts asking me all sorts of stufffs that i dun wish to answer
and i dun like it when i feel like i'm being stalked
asking for details of my private life

it will just destroy my good mood

seriously, guys with more "substance" are more suitable
able to understand what i think and say
able to talk to me
you know, constructive conversation><
so don't try to start a boring superficial conversation with me
things will jus be much worse, if u speak the wrong thing at the wrong time

i prefer matured guys who are more sensitive to my feelings
knowing what to say at the right time
and being cool, while also caring at times

having pretty eyes i feel its an asset too
eyes are window to one's heart><

ya maybe ten years down the road
i can send this to the match-making agency

maybe you are starting to think that i'll be left on the shelf for the rest of my life
no way i can find this mr right
who says?
haha i shan;t elaborate:P

but the really sad sad thing is that
don't you realised, the more time you spent with the person, the more you'll understand him, the higher chance you'll realise

oh shit, he is not the one im looking for
so sorry

but be happy if you realised this now

Monday, November 16, 2009

a really busy day><

i love the asthetic program! omg the really cool jap guy is super cute
i was totally mesmerised

and ya, i changed my laptop's wallpaper<<>

ehehe and guess wad?! my lap top is spoilt again><>

i attended the HO RIH HWA kecture at suntec

was really cool, though my terms were hard to understand

i realised sth,

during the Q n A session, i learnt lots not from the lecturer, lets see..

out of the about 10 questions

i think only about or two were asked by singaporeans

kind of sad

the rest mostly were from China

even the lecturer was saying " is this shanghai?"


does this shows how inactive we are?

im guilty of that man,

anyway it was a cool lecture and i had gained lots

all in all, today was a fulfilling day (wierd way to comment like this though)


Sunday, November 15, 2009

Today was baking day with my ONGONG


diet cookies~

damm nice arh i show you

thats my gingerbread girl

cute right><

heheh ong de is gingerbread boy, so they make a perfect couple! awww

for the rest of the day, i was researching for PAMUN

bt stuck, dunno whr to head

damm jialat

at night i went out for dinner with kjy and jacq><>

botak jones nice!

hahas had a nice ride home too~ yay

nice day