Wednesday, November 18, 2009

my mum is really in a bad mood these few day

firstly, popo is back in China, and she has to do most of the housework now after she comes back from her work
and im still stubbornly refusing to wash my socks =X

secondly, because of the paris trip for my PAMUN. Large sum of money spent. *heartbreak*
so she needs to worry more about our expenses

thirdly, i insisted on having tuition starting from dec
and its very expensive
though i promised to pay all the fees
i think my mum is still very doubtful

seriously, i'm also unsure how am i gg to settle the fees
saving $4 per day is still not enough and im currently jobless
wow i sound like i've just been retrenched><
haha so must find a way after coming back from paris
go michelle go

im quite a well trained self motivator
lucky for me
you know what,
i cant wait to go to paris!
wanna meet lots of ppl from other countries!
yay yay

dun worry, everything it's gg to be just fine
i'll settle these after paris=D
im sure i can do this

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