Monday, August 8, 2011

Xiaosuan mei came to visit my room ytd ^^
made me so happy for the whole day

Here is how my first day of lesson flows:
I woke up early with maureen and we ate red bean bread tgt (i sound friggin kiddy here, but its okay)
2 more hours before lesson start
I went to leeweenam library to print my notes. Like this lib cus got my name inside xD
Totally suagu there, dunno how to use anything. Dun even know where is the printer. Thankfully got one nice prc guy helped me.
Theyare also nice individuals, but in groups that sort of change a little. >.<
After a series of poor printer networking, requeueing the long long queue and printer jams, i got my notes ready!
I also met my first 2computing friends. oh yay not loner anymore.

The lectures were @.@
The lecturer sort of assumed too much. He thought that we have learnt all of this before and went on like a choochoo train.
Wth is binary numbers doing in my slides out of the sudden. Mod isnt the mod i thought it will be.
And there was this annoying trytoohard fellow beside me, asking me whether, as a JC kid, i have learnt blah blah blah before and then grinning with glee when i shook my head, concluding that i may not survive semester 2.

I am sensible enough to heck him and focus on the lecturer. ~.~
I will show this big headed creature what a JC girl is capable of. I had enough of stares and questioning and 'ohnosheprollywontmakeit' look of pity,when ppl learnt that i am ddp business and computing.

Anyways, after that i went to queue up for about 1.5hours to get my computing notes. And i rushed to pickupmy sister.
We lunched at canteen13, bought waffle and cheese fries. Srsly,the waffle is like deepfried, damn oily. But im addicted to waffles, haha so no choice >.<
Mei mei say my room cozy much.haha! So proud manz. Hi5 to maureen ;p
I read my discrete math. Mrkang says maths stuff for jc ppl no problems one. Ok i need to provehim right. Gogogo!
Suddenly they all make sense, and i learnt how tt binary thing work.
Damm man, i uds the joke now.
There are 10 kinds of people in the world, one who uds this joke and the other who dont.

Bought my tb and dinner with mei mei
Ate theheavenly yam egg milkcurd, but still prefer the golden mile one.
Dont try the saba fish teppanyaki, super salty

Happy national day
Glad to be at home.

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Really going to leave the house now
And i am already homesick
Thank god i am not going australia

People are always terrified of the unusual and unfamiliar
Even if they are pretty much harmless
I want to be braver

Friday, July 29, 2011

When I was 5 I thought K2 was the furthest I could get.
When I was in Primary school I didn't even thought I will make it to secondary school or even a JC. University was just a faraway dream.
While you cannot blame me, I wasn't born academically very clever.

Well here I am in an University.
Even though it is not as impressive as going overseas or wadeva. I am glad.
To those who sniger at and joked about my pri and sec sch grades: (:P)

Mum said me and my cousin are having a personality switch now, and I see her point. The story goes like this.

Imagine two little girl, one fat and fair, extremely chatty, curious and active (that's me) and the other thin and tanned, very quiet, careful and well behaved (my same-age cousin). We were very good playmate despite the huge personality difference.

19 years later, (both became/remain slim, thankfully) but June became more opened-up while I started to close up. wierd isnt it. I think AJ did that to me. No lah, kidding. I just became more serious. too serious actually. I have to remind myself everytime, chillax man it's nth serious. Hopefully UNI will turn me back.

However, looking at the state of my timetable and considering the stake of losing my scholarship. I seriously think that I can only get more serious and less fun-loving.
But I'll try.

This Week end (tmr) is my first ever family chalet!! WHOOHO hahaha. My mother promised it to me 10 years ago and finally we are having it.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

The nine months of honeymoon is soon going to be over.
I never expected it to pass so quickly, but at the same time I am glad it is coming to an end.
Despite all that I have achieved and learnt this holiday, I must admit that I've grown lazier.
My mind processed more slowly and less smoothly, I have resided too comfortably in my comfort zone all this while.

But I am proud to say that during this while I have done many things that I have always wanted to do.

I've doing well with my french, so glad that I can finally read all those words in the photos I have taken during my trip to paris.
I've had an unforgettable family trip to ShangHai.
I've finally gone pass my target weight of 47, shedding almost 5 kg off my original weight of 50kg. thanks to my children at amazing stars and the metal thingys in my mouth.
I 've learnt first aid.
I've taught in school in class in houses.
I've worked with so many loveable children and got the hang of singing songs and telling stories to 2/3 years olds.
oh and of course to bath and change their diapers.
I've lost count on how many interviews I have went through, most of them being embarassing and demoralising ones. But it's okay, what that counts is having just one special one that recognised me.
and the good thing is I learn along the way.
I've gotten a scholarship, though not an oversea one (i rejected that one instead) but I am going to work even harder.
I can cook and bake even better.
oh And I had my first ever birthday party with those I treasure.
I've many sisters' outings.
I did my parents and ahma very proud and it is my biggest achievement thus far.

I came to realised that the way one portray oneself is also very important, how do you want people to see you as?
The crux is just don't be lazy.
Step out of your comfort zone and be different.
Don't find a lousy excuse like, I just want to be myself, unless you're pretty sure that your "myself" is a good and flawless one.
That is why after 15 min inside the conference room with your interviewers, you can feel exhausted. Because you were showing them your real capabilty and a more accurate version of "yourself"
It is different from pretendance. if you're pretending, it's just telling a well rehearsed story. why should it feel even tiring?

my arguments may be flawed but that's how I see it differently.

What I want to do with my remaining holiday?
One more month,

Je veux visiter ma ville natale à Hainan. I want to just spend more time with my family.