Friday, July 29, 2011

When I was 5 I thought K2 was the furthest I could get.
When I was in Primary school I didn't even thought I will make it to secondary school or even a JC. University was just a faraway dream.
While you cannot blame me, I wasn't born academically very clever.

Well here I am in an University.
Even though it is not as impressive as going overseas or wadeva. I am glad.
To those who sniger at and joked about my pri and sec sch grades: (:P)

Mum said me and my cousin are having a personality switch now, and I see her point. The story goes like this.

Imagine two little girl, one fat and fair, extremely chatty, curious and active (that's me) and the other thin and tanned, very quiet, careful and well behaved (my same-age cousin). We were very good playmate despite the huge personality difference.

19 years later, (both became/remain slim, thankfully) but June became more opened-up while I started to close up. wierd isnt it. I think AJ did that to me. No lah, kidding. I just became more serious. too serious actually. I have to remind myself everytime, chillax man it's nth serious. Hopefully UNI will turn me back.

However, looking at the state of my timetable and considering the stake of losing my scholarship. I seriously think that I can only get more serious and less fun-loving.
But I'll try.

This Week end (tmr) is my first ever family chalet!! WHOOHO hahaha. My mother promised it to me 10 years ago and finally we are having it.

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