Monday, February 1, 2010

i ache all over
my hand feel so weak from ytd bbq fire fanning
omg >.< so noob
its only the 3rd week of sch
but it feels like 3 months for me
so many things happened
my MOF, all those wushu performances, wushu farewell and wushu CIP!! wooh
that one gt the best sense of achievement der!

but im starting to feel drained out
am i?
see i'm not even sure

i wanna tok abt wushu CIP
the children are so innocent
they made me start to love kids^^
and i'm so happy when i see how my frens treat them! just like father/mother and son
hmm esp like how zhaojie did
oh ya, and yongyuan too! XD
hahas so proud of them! =D

and there is this little boy called wei jie
he's my fav
really he has a kind of selfless attitude
he took everything so seriously and handle all his small lanterns with so much care
he is humble and happy
not that kind of happy when he will go all high and run around
that kind of happiness that he won't over show it
it just shows in his smile
and his smiles are so influencial
i feel so happy when i see him happy:) yay

but in general
though this 3 weeks had been so taxing
i feel very happy
and all of these seems to add more meaning to my life
thankyou to everyone who had made of these a realityXDXD
you can't imagine how grateful and happy i am =D

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