Friday, January 1, 2010

happy 2010 everyone
even though i think it'll be a wonderful year and everything

i hate it when i don't understand things
it bugs me

when this happens my female brain will start thinking of thousands of possibility of what wrong i've unconciously done to make someone feels bad
and this makes me feel as unhappy too

some people tends to hide their feelings
especially males
even till now, when the caveman age is long over
males still think they are superior
oh yes, physically
but mentally wise, i think not always so
males dun like to show their emotions
they dunwan to be seen as a softie

accordin to a bk
"the emotionless mask that men use allows them to feel in control of the situation"
ya feel*

a female uses a daily maximum of over 20,000 communication units, (facial expression and other emotional expressions)
while a man daily average only adds up to 7,000 communication units

then how can i know what you are thinking
why you are angry or upset
gaixiao la
wad the hell
okok relaxx... -.- whhooo *shen hu xi*

okay not my problem,
im just angry over a common problem that exist btw males and females.
really am i?
im confused now
hey ahjune hi-5
we can form the confused cousin-pair

ever since ytd at jolyn's house, i've been zi-highing all the while
i hope this energy can last
but AJ's gonna kill it anyway sooner or later

my 3 new year resolution~ they are great! aha aha y-a-y
1. (ok this is serious) i-want-to-get-an-overseas-scholarship
2. ^^ i-want-to-be-happy-tgh-with-my-family
3. *.* i-will-not-act-like-an-idiot-infront-of-anybody-again

2010- a year michelle is going to emerge as a stronger and more capable woman

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