Sunday, January 17, 2010

yesterday was a great day

jacq and I went to the BCA scholarship and career fair
mainly its on civil and environmental engineering
all the scholarship require up to 6yrs bond(overseas) and 4 yrs (local)

there are many scholarships available
but it'll be quite sad if you are stuck with a job you dislike for 6 yrs

bt anyway
I don't think it'll be that easy to get one
there are at least 2 thousand student that are much better than you taking the A's
quite a depressing thought
but never mind!
if i tried my best
i shouldn't feel any regrets
right, michelle? right!
going kuku, talking to myself, but i do that quite a lot >.<
maybe i should include that under "what kind of person am i under the application form for the book price"
jus kidding.
enough of this...
ok next.

after the fair, we went to hougang mall and have some desserts
well i tried black seseame paste
taste gd at first but slowly it starts to get rather sickening
we bid goodbye and i met up with the rest and went to punggol cc for our performance!
so we helped out and prepare
got popcorn and bread and coffee
but i didn't have the appetite cus of the blackish paste
even made some jokes about having black coloured vomit
aww stomach felt quite uneasy
shouldnt have ate but its a good experience:)

luckily i managed to borrowed a set of biaoyanfu from yy
nearly xia si wo when i realised that my set didn't have the pants D:
but i'm touched that shujie even went an extra mile to contact suipeng to see if he could help>.<
hahaha thankyouuu :*
bt i managed to called yy first and luckily he got an extra set! tytyty woah
really feel like one big stone lifted off my chest
ok la not that kua zhang but dunno why i panicked till liddat
shall be calm next time
no, mustn't have a next time! >.<
hahas the set fits and i did better than the previous time
as long got improvement jiu happy liao!
yay hahas

at the end, coach gave me a lift home
bt i decided to drop by at where he is teaching first to lian awhile
the place is near my house
so next time can go there yay XD
happy happy :)

so in conclusion, yesterday was a happy day

Saturday, January 9, 2010

end of holiday
sad for many
but happy for me
need a stimulus and a conducive environment to start engine
ya u may think i'm sick

sometimes i thought so too
but too bad, that's michelle, can't do much about it

okay =my 2009 holiday reflections=
enjoyment score: 95/100
'meaningful-ness' score: 100/100
academic-wise score: 45/100
physical work-out score: 78/100

enjoyment score is largely boosted by the following but nt limited to:
1)all outings with ongong
2)all operation saggy
3)the 2 gatherings with 403
4)0309 class chalet
6)family outings
7)sisters lunch >.<
8)Wushu countdown
9)clique stay-over
10)Avatar new moon BandA and many mr :D

meaningful-ness score is full marks thanks to:
1) p-a-r-i-s trip
2) large improvement in house-keeping skills
3) understanding of basic body language
4) understanding about how different males are from females
and many more values gained

academic... >.< i din even finished my hwk

physical work-out largely due to housework....

haha in general
this is one of the best holiday i have ever had

Friday, January 8, 2010

at times
things just made me ponder about the meaning and fairness in life

on a very basic level from a normal and sulky teen point of view
one side of me find it really unfair that some ppl are just born richer than others
they do have more opportunities to maximise their potential with all those extra classes and etc
well with money
almost everything can be done easily for them
isn't it?

haha funny

but the other side of me will counter this view
everything is largely dependent on yourself
not an external factor = money in this instance
you can be damm rich
but if you just don't have the drive to stretch yourself and step out of your comfort zone
no amount of money can help you
and i feel that ,from experience
not being rich or well off will help to develop such drive
cause we are mostly near the edge of our comfort zones, we have the drive to constantly step out of it and work harder
isn't that so?

the principle that applies here is that
not having something, makes you want to work for it, and so at the same time, gain more than what that thing gives you=experience and passion
well thats a rather simple theory that applies to almost everything in life
okay i shall give an eg
you really want a laptop (for practical use)
if you're born rich (luckily or unluckily)
you'll get it easily enough most probably, and in a few days?
but if you are not and of below average
you'll have to take up a job and work hard for it
maybe you'll take 2 months or more?
at the end of the day
surely in both cases you'll get what you want(laptop)
but the journey taken and the actual value of the laptop is very very different
something that is exchanged with your few months of hard work and sacrifice
and which allowed you to make more friends along the way
and at the same time gain so much more knowledge about the society and understand the difficulty of earning and the importance of saving
will certainly makes your bought laptop worth more than the $1300+ you've paid for it
i hope i make sense to you
because it's really important to make wise decisions
and decide what life you want to lead
and to control your fate, not letting it control you

hope this helps

^^0309 class chalet is really wonderful for me even though i must agree that we din do much
everybody is just great and the environment is good (even though we are just beside the old hospital) i like the relaxed atmosphere
you know the slow paced life
of not rushing here and there and missing out the details in life
which are insignificant to us but actually matters alot

i rate 3..5to4 stars :D


once you missed that opportunity
once you had let it down
once you neglected it
that door will just close slowly
in the future
even if it does opens itself to you
it will not be the same anymore
it won't be filled with that same old feelings
it will just be a small crack to remind you of the past that you'll regret

opportunities they are there
but don't missed it
because they won't be a second chance


first impressions?
or i should say surface impressions
they matters
people will judge you by them
but those good impressions will just shatter when you decided to know more about him
never judge a book by its cover
no not only the cover,
i should change the phrase to don't judge a book by its cover and its synopsis
you have to read the entire book to determine if its a good one
we people are like books

*everything that i've said its just my opinions, its not absolute. i hope you're matured enough to understand that i didn't mean such cases are true in all situations and at all time* nth personal too

Friday, January 1, 2010

a brand new year, a brand new start

forget the troubles from 2009 and treasure lessons from 2009

hais >< mum's gone to china
left the 3 of us at home
soon will be jus me when sch starts for the 2

it's okay
"loneliness adds beauty to life. It puts a special burn on sunset and make night air smells better"
by Henry Rollins
haha so random
no la
finally i'll have some peace
so that i can finish what im suppose to do
sandy's throwing a tantrum
cause dad banned her from the computer
face black black for the entire day
always like that
me and angee cooked lunch for ourselves
it's nothing great actually,
we just heated up ytd's curry and cooked rice
i cleaned my room today
breathed in at least a bag of dust
no im exagerating
but now i still feel breathless
like gt alot dust stuck in my windpipe
it's nt my room dirty
its the haven-touched-for-many-years-bookshelf that's so darn dusty
i'm planning to get organised for the new year
so i've successfully cut and grouped my few months old newspaper articles tgh
so proud of myself hoho
this feels so much better than slacking
for the rest of the holidays will be outings 排满满
shuang der
till now i can confidently announced that my holiday will be ending with a boom
nothing much for me to complain of :)
10 days of beautiful paris
decoration of room in prep of a levels
enjoying a few weeks of fun with 表姐
lots of food fun and laughter
bbq with bobo and friends
developed a darn-organised room
seeing doc with suandi
fabulous count down
with mesmerising firework up-close
hours of learning abt pool
adopted a pool-carrot
staying over
cooking and house-working skills development
*don't laugh ok, got hear b4 进的了厨房,出得了天堂
even though it's a little late
i still want to say happy two-one-zero-one!
happy 2010 everyone
even though i think it'll be a wonderful year and everything

i hate it when i don't understand things
it bugs me

when this happens my female brain will start thinking of thousands of possibility of what wrong i've unconciously done to make someone feels bad
and this makes me feel as unhappy too

some people tends to hide their feelings
especially males
even till now, when the caveman age is long over
males still think they are superior
oh yes, physically
but mentally wise, i think not always so
males dun like to show their emotions
they dunwan to be seen as a softie

accordin to a bk
"the emotionless mask that men use allows them to feel in control of the situation"
ya feel*

a female uses a daily maximum of over 20,000 communication units, (facial expression and other emotional expressions)
while a man daily average only adds up to 7,000 communication units

then how can i know what you are thinking
why you are angry or upset
gaixiao la
wad the hell
okok relaxx... -.- whhooo *shen hu xi*

okay not my problem,
im just angry over a common problem that exist btw males and females.
really am i?
im confused now
hey ahjune hi-5
we can form the confused cousin-pair

ever since ytd at jolyn's house, i've been zi-highing all the while
i hope this energy can last
but AJ's gonna kill it anyway sooner or later

my 3 new year resolution~ they are great! aha aha y-a-y
1. (ok this is serious) i-want-to-get-an-overseas-scholarship
2. ^^ i-want-to-be-happy-tgh-with-my-family
3. *.* i-will-not-act-like-an-idiot-infront-of-anybody-again

2010- a year michelle is going to emerge as a stronger and more capable woman