Wednesday, June 2, 2010

people are always scared of losing what they have gained isnt it
eg? of course there are plenty
when ppl get married
wives naturally will become more possesive
because they are scared of losing what they have finally achieved "a husband"
when ppl get rich, they become more worried of losing their new found wealth
what will they do?
they want to get richer
there's no limit for them on how rich they can get
thats human nature i guess
isnt it?

we always say "i'll be really really happy if i get to my goals"
but once you get there
you'll realised things arent so simple
once u have reached whr u aimed to
u'll find out that actually thats not enough, and you're obviously not getting the "really really happy feeling" that you thought you'll get.
that place u've reached arent secure enough to allow you to lead a 'happy life'
then what? you'll continue to work towards another goal

well im not saying that have goals in mind isnt good
but isnt it nice to once in awhile allow yourself to wander around aimlessly
maybe you'll discover sth unexpected accidentaly!
back to my belief that somethings are just meant to be lik that
you'll never noe what will happen in the future =P

i've been thinking for many days
i've thought really hard
what do i want to do with my life
what do i want to be
what are the consequences i have to consider

and i could only come up with a few
i want to give back to society, considering how much it has given me all these years
that point me towards public service! haha but.. not necessary
i never thought being in the public service is the only way i can contribute
i want a job that i like, well everybody could say that but i'm sure less than 10% achieved that eventually
i want a job that allow me to interact with people
i want a job that allow me to see the world
i want a job that can inspire others

lols so many wants
but nevertheless
i shall nt think too much for now
focus on doing well now
the rest shall wait.

and i wan to end off with a dream that i hope to achieve in the future!
i was on the bus today
daydreaming as usual, haha
and i decided
that shall be my 'childhood dream'
that i'll make it true in the future
it was such a nice dream
many beautiful flashback i had of paris jus now
omg i can already imagine its gg to be damm romantic

im gg to live in the the same hotel
as a practical person
i've consider alot as well
in order for this dream to come true
got 2 possibility
first, i've to marry a rich guy
second, i'm rich myself

and this brings me to my next point
wow never ending sia lols
i had a very good impression on the male species in general for my generation
lol too naive liao
i've always thought, if a guy is nice to you or likes you
he really does mean it, without ban dian fake-ness
ya and i carried this misconception till the age of 17
dumb i noe

wait, im not over generalising
i'm completely aware that out there some where
there is still a few of you 有真心的 ^^

but recently im jus so disappointed in you males
some of you are just so superficial
come on
ppl can all look the same after gg under the knife or sth
what really is different
what really matter is deep down inside

i don't know how you can openly criticise about a girl's appearance
your appearance is something you inherited from your parents
its a gift of some sort
i dun think anybody has the right to make fun of it
before you actually do that
didnt you even consider what if others do that to you?
you arent perfect looking yourself isnt it?

seriously thats childishness immaturity insensitivity you're displaying
and im mad about this
im mad when things lik that happen
im mad when male treat female as sth inferior to them

which is why i've also decided
im gg to learn judo
im not gg to be inferior
and i never thought men are any better than women
haha no matter hw i can imagine my perfect future husband can be
nt that i lack confidence in him
just that better to be prepared rather than suffer when it actually happens
ppl does change.

and then
(i did a lot of reflection today, thats why i've got lots to say)
i realised that there are 2 different type of guys i've met
one of which is all say no action
another is no talk but all shown in his actions

ask me which of the 2 i prefer?
haha none.
but i'll rather have the latter.

words of love
anybody with a tougue can do it
the difference is that whether you wan or not
whether one is responsible enough to even consider if he can live up to what he had said or not
before blurting them all out without actually meaning it

actions of love
ive to agree
its harder than words of love
it req deeper and sincere love one has for another to actually put serious effort to it and do it
this is true
words can lie and has no meaning
but action tells all

words of love, though it gives u instant happiness but it won't last right
actions, though you have to wait for it, their occurence wont be as frequent
but they are certainly worth the wait, because when guys actually spend time to do sth for you, instead of just making empty promises, they really mean it
and this is the type of guys you'll want